Make a Donation,
Enrich Their Experience
MYSO relies on the help of our community to raise the funds necessary to create the most engaging, memorable, and inclusive experiences not just for the youth musicians themselves, but for the greater Atlanta community as well. Donate today to grow this program and the art it provides to our city.

Become a
Friend of MYSO
With your $50.00 minimum donation, receive a commemorative your name in this year's concert programs.
Join Now!

Become a MYSO Season Sponsor!
Contact Operations Manager at
info@mysoatlanta.org for more information
Do you already shop at Kroger?
Want an easy way to support MYSO?
By linking your Kroger Rewards card to MYSO, your purchases at Kroger will mean a donation to MYSO without anything more from you! Kroger will send us a check each quarter for rewards accumulated through all our purchases at Kroger! It’s that easy. Thanks for supporting MYSO!
To sign up for the Kroger Community Rewards program follow the instructions below:
Go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com
• login to your Kroger Account.
• scroll down to the bottom of the screen and look for the second column labeled COMMUNITY.
• click on Kroger Community Rewards.
• look for the box that says I’m a Customer and click View Details.
• From here you can add/change the organization that they would like for their card to be linked to
• Use either our name Metropolitan Youth Symphony Orchestra or our Kroger ID #CM663